Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Seeing what IS

I have found myself getting wrapped up in thoughts about the future in the last few days, anticipating positive and negative events, reacting to those a big epic film in my head.
It happened to me driving to work this morning. As I stopped the car, I heard my mother's loud voice in my head,
"Ma se blom, Look at what IS".
Wow, I shot back into the present in a flash and realised how crazy and beautiful it all is. No drama, no expectations, no tiredness, just me and everything right now.
I think it is important to dream and visualise and pray, but without pressure!

I came walking out of class and one of my dearest student friends was sitting outside in the sun wearing sunglasses with bright green rims. I had to laugh and comment, as she is usually quite conservative.
She answered, "But I am having such a crazy day, Miss".
I am happy to report that my rose-tinted sunglasses decorated with unicorns and hearts are  working very well for me on this April day just before my Middle Eastern weekend is about to begin.

It is not what you see, it is what you SEE.

Everyone sees the unseen in
proportion to the clarity of his heart.

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