Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Today in the life

I am practising just to BE

As in 'we are human being, not human doings'

Every time I feel that crazy urge to rush, I breathe and come back to the moment.

So here goes on the a few mundane details:

First a fax to the British consulate in Germany where my passport application is being processed- lost my passport and have been resisting the process big time.. and as the old saying goes, what you resist persists!
Will definitely tell you more about that process...

Then going to the airport campus to meet students to check their work, then a performance review meeting- we discuss each pre-university student individually- then a bit of admin and off  to the dentist to continue my double rootcanal treatment!
I should definitely post my thoughts on that soon.... eeeek... but quite a metaphor for my life at the moment.

I am feeling happy though, the last day of the working week here in sunny Muscat, 32 degrees C today, perfect :)


I am constantly thinking about my friends all over the world, and how you sustain me. I realise how crappy I am at keeping in touch. Thinking about a tool that will help me to be more present in your life, and you in mine.
I  am constantly growing, evolving, spiraling, falling, getting up, bleeding, healing, and for some strange reason I am not sharing as I used to. What happened to the age of profuse letter writing?
For me, now, it is important to find a way to talk to you about so many things-

  • the stepping stones in my life on the every day path
  • the places of rest in the crazy maze
  • the islands of bliss in my busy life
  • cameos of my existence
  • bubbles of beauty
  • milestones on the road of the journey to myself
Above all to just say HI and say a big THANKS for being out there, so real, and also so unreal in cyberspace.