Sunday, June 17, 2012

Golden droplets on the canvas of eternity

I am sitting quietly in my purple room playing over the images of the this lovely restful long weekend in my mind. I am saying a prayerful thank you for each moment. It was so normal, nothing exciting happened at all. We went swimming in the sea in the evenings, we put my portable pool up outside, we watched television programmes of our choice and napped and cooked delicious food and surfed the net, finding answers to questions coming up in conversation. I felt as though I had a chance to catch up a little on my life.

On Wednesday in the late afternoon, we went down to the sea, to our usual place of the fishing boats resting like great hippos on the beach and the street lamps guarding us and peace descending at the call to prayer. We were quite silent, enjoying the water which is now lukewarm bath temperature. I turned my head to look at my loved one and in that moment a small wave broke against him, sending small splashes of foamy water into the air. These pearls of liquid caught the sunlight, became golden and crystalised against the sky. His chest glistened and around his head and torso these luminescent drops became a kind of halo and this moment froze in time.

This timeless spaceless image will be etched in my mind always.

Later in the weekend, we were clearing the area under the carport and moving the furniture to put up the pool, when I noticed the bell hanging down over the table. This is a camel bell from Pushkar in Rajastan, from a very different era of my life.  I hung it there to regularly wake myself up on a soul level when I am sitting in that spot.

 The sound I associate with that 'freezeframe' picture in the sea, is the crystal-clear cling of a Buddhist bell, pulling me sharply into the present. It reminds me that every mundane, seemingly-routine moment of my everyday life  is sacred; they all contain magic and ripples of blessings.

Although my senses are sometimes dulled and my intuition not switched on, and I put junk in my body and swear at the motorists, it is times like these that remind me not to take one single miracle for granted.
Dear friend, may you find the split second of quiet between your thoughts today, and know within that every moment is a gift to be cherished.

"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
~ Albert Einstein

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