Sunday, April 8, 2012

Say thank you!

I was really intending to go to the sunrise Easter service this morning, but woke up at 2 am and could not settle down again. I felt out of balance and when I got up for work, I was full of fuzziness. I went to my little altar which is now white, and lit my white candle and looked at the delicate white orchids that are on there.
I made my coffee, greeted the furry friends, and decided on a white shirt. I then drew a little angel card for the day. The word was "gratitude".

I think if someone would ask me the one single piece of wisdom that has played the largest part in  making my life so joyous and full of light, it would be that- "Say thank you."
I was 19 when I did my first self awareness course with a lady who I love and respect with my whole heart. Our homework on the first night was to write down 50 blessings.
We all looked at her with utter horror. 50 blessings??
I think I got up to 14 that evening and hit a blank. By the last night of the course, I was coming up with more that 50 without much effort.

I now do my thank you list on a regular basis. It grounds me and helps me to see things that I would not have noticed otherwise. I have also found that the more thanks I express, the more abundance I attract.. which give me more to be grateful for. Sometimes this even works instantaneously. It is a wonderful circle of  miracle and blessing.

It also helps me to see that even troubled times, pain and fear can be blessings.
I have a girlfriend who has a dreadful toothache at the moment as a result of giving up smoking. She wrote to me and said,
'This toothache problem is awful but it proves, how smoking has been destroying my body, so it is a negative which is actually a huge positive.'

Usually when I hit the creeping doubt like this early morning, it is because I haven't expressed my heartfelt gratitude for a while. I was so happy to be reminded, to be pulled back onto the path, eventhough it cost me a really uncomfortable night.

If any of you are feeling unconnected and unfocussed, try this little trick. Look at the things you are grateful for, even the teeny tiny creature comforts that make your life so cosy.

The truth will set you free but at first it will make you a little miserable.


  1. shoo, you spoke right into my heart. been feeling a bit displaced for some time now and maybe it's time I recalled my lessons with that wonderful group I did my self awareness course with all those years ago, when I had the privilege of meeting you for the first time Stef. xx

  2. It was a privilege to experience a space of 'no games', everybody in the cirle having the freedom to be authentic and truly learn from each other. The truths were so practical and down to earth. Like this one that works every time.xx
