Monday, May 16, 2011

Sexy palm trees on the scenic route

I have needed a break from cyberspace and I am happy to be back. Things are always moving and shifting in my life and I needed a little time to regroup. It really feels at the moment as though I have found a different internal scenic route to follow. I am  calmly checking out the views and enjoying the vistas and taking in the details of the landscape, and hopefully soon I will be able to put these things into words. What I love about this new road, is that I am not over-excited, I feel as though I have arrived. Arrived at a space in myself where I really want to be.

In the mean time, I had a really good day. I spent a calm couple of hours with my artist friends and their rose-petal baby. They have a super comfy carpet and I love to lie on there and just be. Great thoughts and deep realisations always arise in that space, and I came home feeling wonderful. Prior to the visit, I had a swim at the Chedi which was sublime as always. I lay on the wooden recliner wrapped in my white towel under the sexy palm trees, listening to the sea and the birds, and must have dozed off, because I woke up in a small puddle of drool, it was so relaxing.

We had our first meeting today to discuss the trip to Germany in September. We have 50+ applicants and only 15 spaces, so it will be an interesting process. I sat there checking all of them out, and already have a fair idea about who my money is on.
 My summer plans are slowly coming together. To the UK in mid-July to sort out the passort thing, and hopefully I'll have a bit of time to wander around before coming back to do 3 weeks of summer school in August. I like to be here in Ramadan and for the Eid at the end of August, then off to Aachen on 6 September. I decided not to cry that I can't go to South Africa, and that if I pace myself , this could work out fine.

 And as I know my life, there are bound to be some groovy surprises. Watch this space.

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