Saturday, June 2, 2012

Unzipping my skinsuit

I have been enjoying experiencing my body getting stronger little by little, step by step. I have only rarely experienced myself acutely as a physical being before, and these yoga classes are working very powerfully for me. I keep making progress, recently managing to do my first proper press-up!
 It is a great special thing to share with my loved one, and I love watching the transformation in him too.

After my experiences in Beirut, I have really been thinking a lot of the challenges of being on the earth. Out of the blue, as we were taking a long walk along the corniche the other day- admiring the azure sky and sea-the loved one commented that one of his favourite quotes was that we are not physical beings that have souls, but spiritual beings that have bodies.
As spiritual beings, time and space do not exist for us. It is a mighty challenge to be confined to this earthly existence. I love jumping out of my body now and then, shooting straight up above the clouds and floating there. As a good friend says, 'unzipping my skinsuit'. Sometimes at night before I fall asleep, I imagine myself drifting up above the earth's atmosphere and playing there, tumbling and turning and somersaulting free.

Tonight after the exercises, we were resting in the dark quiet on our mats, Shilpa led us through a short meditation, asking us to choose a point on our bodies and imagine the breath radiating from there like a pebble thrown into a still lake. I became aware of the steady pulse of my heart and felt a lemony light radiating softly out of me, through every cell of my dearest on my left, filling the class and the house and the street and the neighbourhood and the city, and finding all of you and sweeping over and into you like a kind of gentle tsunami of joy.

I was filled with such a sense of celebration when I left that place. I got into the car and we spoke about food and contracts and Excel sheets and mundane normal topics. However, they all seemed so unusually beautiful.

Dear friend, may the everyday routine things in your world have the ability to remind you that you are liberated child of the stars.

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